Emergency Lighter Vs an Ordinary Lighter Everything You Need to Know to Be Better Prepared

Creating a fire is important for many reasons.  Most common are to create a heat source so that we can cook food or stay worm.  

Emergency Lighter

Creating heat in our homes is pretty easy with the help of our electrical appliances that have a seemingly infinity amount of fuel source (electricity) to stay on and generate heat source(s).

But, what if you're going on an outdoor adventure or traveling on road with limited or no access to a power source that can generate heat?

In this instance, a lighter might be the only way to create a fire if it's needed and generate heat, but we know ordinary lighters are limited by their fuel source.  

This is where an emergency lighter might be a good option for everyone to have when they go on their next adventure or simply be prepared for emergency.  

But, what's difference between an ordinary lighter an emergency lighter? 

Emergency Lighter Vs an Ordinary Lighter

The most obvious difference between an emergency lighter and an ordinary lighter is that emergency lighters do not have a liquid (gas) fuel source.  

An ideal emergency lighter does not rely on a liquid (gas) fuel source to create a fire.  

Instead, it typically generates fire by friction between two objects (typically metals) which result in sparks being generated that can start a fire by igniting a fuel source.   

Emergency Lighter Gif

Image provided by survivalresources.com

Modern lighters work on the same principle.  Friction generates sparks and ignite a fuel source.

Liquid fuel sources will eventually dry out and leave you unable to start a fire.

They can also last for a long time in storage without being affected by the elements or funning out of a fuel source.  This is great for an emergency or survival kit.  

How Does an Emergency Lighter Work?

Starting a fire using friction is as ancient as the beginning of humanity.  It's reliable and it does not need modern fuel sources.    

It works on a simple principle: you strike two object together to generate sparks which can ignite a fuel sources. 

Emergency Lighter

Image provided by coopersbayoutdoors.com

Most common metals used are ferro (ferrocerium) and magnesium rods.  

These are great for starting a fires because they produce heat in the upwards of 5,400°F and are unaffected by water.

Emergency Lighter Use a Natural Fuel Source 

Typically, in an outdoor environment, the fuel sources is natural (whatever you can find) that does not require drilling, refineries, or a chemicals process to produce.

It typically uses a tinder pile, leaves, or anything else natural that can ignite and create a fire.     

Lighting an emergency fire

Why Carry an Emergency Lighter?

  • Emergency lighters are simple to use and extremely reliable which is why they're an essential part of most military and civilian survival kits. 
  • Emergency lighters do not rely on a liquid (gas) fuel source that eventually runs out, whether it's used or not. 
  • Ordinary lighters are susceptible to leaking.   
  • They're can work wet or dry. 
  • They are safer to use and store for long periods of time. 


Final Thoughts

Although, emergency lighters are a great tool to have for unexpected situations, we recommend that you only use them for emergency situations.  

Do not only rely on emergency lighters to start fires if other easier ways of starting fires is available.

Typical ordinary lighters are cheap and readily available so use them, but always carry an emergency lighter as back up.  

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