No matter how good you're with handling a knife, be it an EDC pocket knife or a kitchen knife, you have to be very wary of the dangers of these unique home and adventure tools.
In fact, Knives are responsible for more debilitating injuries than any other kind of hand tool.
Be Aware of The Danger
According to the National Institute of Health (NIH) study published in the Journal of Emergency Medicine, investigating the prevalence of severe knife injuries among children and adults in the United States, an estimated 8,250,914 knife injuries were treated in emergency departments between 1990 and 2008.
If you translate this to years, it means there were about 434,259 knife injuries per year and 1,190 per day.
However, do you know the types of knife injuries that people are prone to? Well, to understand how to prevent such injuries, you ought to know what they are and how they happen.
Let's look at some common types of knife injuries every EDC enthusiast and knife user needs to be wary about:
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Most Common Causes of Knife-Related Injuries
The knives in our kitchens and those we carry in our bags or sometimes in our pockets may cause accidental cuts. Below are some common causes of knife injuries:
- Working with a blunt or dull blade.
- Inappropriately storing your knife, usually with the edge extended
- Using it to cut more than it can handle.
- Improperly holding the knife
- Using the knife for self-defense
Learn how to avoid knife injuries!
Most Common Injuries
1. Finger or Thumb Injuries
Finger or thumb cuts are the most common type of knife injury. Many times, you find yourself holding edibles such as spinach or parsley for chopping.
Unfortunately, many people cut their fingers during the chopping process, resulting in a horrible experience.

Chefs, in particular, and kitchen lovers often experience such injuries due to their frequency of using this tool.
Most people also suffer finger cuts because they use the wrong type of knife.
Those knife handlers who know the different types of blades and how to handle each of them are less likely to be in danger of such injuries.
2. Toe Injuries from Falling Knives
Many people do not sharpen their knives regularly. Consequently, the blades become blunt, and cutting objects with them takes more effort and pressure.
As a result, the knife sometimes slips from the hand and lands on the toes.
This accident is much worse and likely to occur if the blade is sharpened to a standard angle but the handle is not slip-resistant.
3. Hand Stab While Catching a Falling Knife
Hand stabs occur when your subconscious mind wants to grab a falling knife without even thinking about it.
Even the thought of a knife falling is hazardous. You have no idea which side the edges are facing, nor do you know where it will fall.
As you attempt to rescue it, it may be aiming for your toe.

Trying to grab a knife that is about to fall is never a good idea. The sharp edge has the potential to stab your hand and inflict severe damage.
4. Cuts During Sharpening
Do you know how to sharpen a knife safely without risking a cut? Well, injuries sustained due to sharpening occur mainly among amateur users.

You will agree with me if you recall your first time sharpening a knife. Personally, I did not even think about the danger until the sharpener missed that grip, and my hand went sliding straight through the sharp end of the knife.
Thank God the knife fell down before making a serious cut.
Whether you're sharpening a kitchen knife or any EDC knife, always be careful because one slip can cause you a trip to the emergency room.
5. Pocket Knife Injuries
As the name suggests, a pocket knife is kept in an enclosed space. Unfortunately, this means that when retrieving it from your pocket, be it your EDC bag pocket or your pant's pockets; you run a risk of injury.

Don't panic, though! Many EDC pocket knives are designed to fold, keeping the sharp edges of the blade enclosed.
However, many people forget to fold their pocket knives, resulting in serious injuries when trying to retrieve them. Such injuries may range from cuts, lacerations to deep stabs.
Self-Defense Injuries
Knife fights are not a common occurrence, but they lead to serious injuries to both opponents when they do happen.

In fact, knife injuries as a result of self-defense can be fatal depending on the areas injured.
You may not die out of a deep cut on your hand, but certainly a stab to your chest, stomacher other vital organs will most certainly kill you.
It's best to avoid knife fights if possible.
Bottom Line
Knives are a major contributor to morbidity and mortality in individuals of all ages.
To avoid these accidents, manufacturers should create safer knife designs that include features such as better opening and closing mechanisms on pocket knives.
Other possible safety initiatives include targeted educational interventions, improvements in voluntary product safety standards, and changes in public policy.
Either way, at the end of the day, safety begins with your own initiative.
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