Heading out on vacation with your family means that you may be planning to bring your firearm with you for self defense.
After all, you are heading to a new place and many great vacations take place in some of the largest national parks in the country.
You may be heading out to a local state park for a weekend camping trip so being able to defend yourself and your family is important.
Below are the rules for carrying a firearm onto these grounds and any consequences that may be affiliated.
The State Park Guidelines for Concealed Carry
At the state park level, most of them are in accordance with the local state law regulations regarding concealed carry.
Some states such as Maryland, Hawaii, Connecticut, New Jersey, and New York prohibit concealed carry or carrying any firearms onto state park grounds.
In Rhode Island, if you are licensed to concealed carry, the firearm must remain in your vehicle and not on your person.
It must also be unloaded should your vehicle be searched by park authorities.
Federal Park Guidelines for Concealed Carry
If you are planning a trip to one of the larger National parks such as the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Rocky Mountain National Park, or Yellowstone National Park, then you need to be aware of state guidelines.
Since 2010, federal law has mandated that the National Park concealed carry policy should adhere to the local state laws.
So, if the the national park is located in Nevada, their local laws regarding firearms would govern possession or concealed carry of firearms in national parks located in the state of Nevada.
For some of national parks like those mentioned above, this can get a little gray because the park spans multiple states. Simply follow the laws of the state which you are standing, hiking, or camping.
Therefore, make sure to educate yourself on their particular state's laws regarding firearms.

Keep Your Concealed Carry Permit on You
When traveling through state or federal parks, make sure that you have your permit on you at all times.
While it is easy to leave it in the car for convenience locked away with other property, if you happen to grab your firearm for concealed carry, make sure you also have your concealed carry permit.
Meeting a ranger with your firearm and not having your concealed carry permit in the middle of a national park can make for some interesting conversation and possibly a long walk make it back down to your vehicle in handcuffs until you concealed carry permit is verified.
Federal Buildings Are Off Limits for Concealed Carry
While you can conceal carry your gun on most of the park grounds, National Park Service facilities are carry-free zones.
This is visibly posted on every building, but if you have read this article, know that this is off the limits no exceptions.
These buildings often consist of visitor centers, ranger stations, maintenance sheds, and the federal government offices that are located within the national park property.

If you need to enter any of these buildings, you need to leave your firearm secured in your vehicle until you return.
If you are in a situation where your vehicle is not around, you will need to get assistance from a Park Ranger.
They may be able to secure your firearms for you until you exit the the federal building.
No matter which handgun model you choose for concealed carrying, you should carry it in a high-quality holster.
Be sure to checkout more concealed carry holster reviews and recommendations on our HOLSTERS PAGE.
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