Steering column holsters are a popular way of conceal carrying inside of a car, but are they legal to carry?
In this article, you'll find out what most people don't know about steering column holsters and why they just might be right for you!

Quickest Way to Access Your Firearm Inside of a Car
Carrying your gun under the steering column is the quickest way to access your weapon. It's also a safe way to carry while inside of a car since the muzzle is typically pointed away from your body.
Carrying your gun on your body while in a vehicle presents lots of safety issues, but in many cases it can also be much harder to draw your weapon quickly in an emergency situation.
Other methods of carrying inside of a car such as lock boxes or hidden compartments may be better for security and safety, but they can leave you vulnerable and unable to quickly access your weapon.
If you want to learn more about the best ways to conceal carry inside of a car click on this link...
Picking the right place to carry inside of your vehicle is a balance between safety and accessibility.
Carrying under the steering wheel gives you quick access to your weapon, but it also keeps the muzzle pointed away from your body.
This is why carrying your gun in under the steering wheel is a safe and reliable way to conceal carry inside of your vehicle.
Most Common Concerns
Is Conceal Carrying Under the Steering Wheel Legal?
In most states, carrying a firearm openly or concealed inside of a motor vehicle is considered conceal carry of a firearm.
Therefore, conceal carrying a firearm inside of a motor vehicle in most states requires a conceal carry permit.
To find out if your states requires a concealed carry permit when you carry your firearm inside of a motor vehicle visit US Concealed Carry Repository at
If you want to learn more about the best ways to conceal carry inside of a car click on this link...
2 Best Ways to Carry Your Firearm Under the Steering Wheel
1. Steering Column Holsters - holsters that are designed to be attached to a panel under the steering with a strap. Check out our list of 5 best Steering Column Holsters.

2. Magnet Holsters - magnets holsters can be attached to a panel under the steering wheel with screws or other methods. Check out our list of 5 Best Magnet Holsters to Use in Your Car or Home.

Pros and Cons
1. The muzzle is pointed away from your body in a safe direction. However, in some case the muzzle may be pointed at your feet.
2. Your weapon is easily and quickly accessible in case of an emergency. (This method is the quickest way to access your weapon inside of a car.)
1. It may not work in every vehicle. Some steering columns may not panels that can support steering column holster.
2. Attaching magnets to panels typically requires holes to be drilled or industrial strength glue to be applied, which can cause permanent damage to your vehicle.
3. Your firearm is visible from outside of the car.
Check out our Blog for more great content. If you need a recommendation for a concealed carry holster visit our Holsters page.