When you think of EDC, a backpack is probably not something you typically think of as an essential everyday carry item.
In this article you will find out why an EDC backpack is a must!
Ability to Carry More and Be Prepared for Anything!
Backpacks? Aren't those for school? Yes, but they're also great for EDC! Like most people, when we think of backpacks, we probably don't think EDC!
For a long time, I never thought of backpacks as something I would carry outside of school, but for many people it's become an everyday carry essential items for both professional and personal reasons because of it's versatility and ability to carry pretty much anything you need including EDC items.
List of everyday carry essentials has grown over the years from simple self-defense weapons, which haven't really changed much, to more sophisticated electronics and other tools that are much smaller and easier to carry.
Back in the day things were much bigger and heavier to carry, which was not practical for everyday use, therefore the list of essential items was much smaller and simpler.
Today we can carry much more and not be burdened by the weight.
This allows us to pretty much carry anything that is essential for our safety, security, and survival, in addition to other items that are not exactly necessary, but may be help us take selfies and stay in touch with our family and friends.
1985 Wireless Phone


EDC Backpacks are Great for Professional and Personal Use
Great thing about EDC backpacks is that you can use them for professional and personal reasons.
Professional Use
Some of us have to carry work related items to and from work, which makes an EDC backpack a great option to use to carry work essentials as well as other important EDC essential items.
Additionally, some of walk or bike long distances to and from work, either by choice or in lot of cases not.
EDC backpacks allow us to carry work related items as well as other everyday safety, security, and survival items comfortably without being burdened by a purse or other less comfortable carry methods.
You can also use an EDC backpack on the job to carry work essentials as well as other important EDC essential items.
They're are loved by the military, police, and EMS.

Image provide by carryology.com

Personal Use
EDC backpacks are also great for personal use. They're great for outdoor activities such as camping, backpacking, bicycling and much more.
You can carry all the essentials that you need for everyday inconveniences such as bugs and insects or a really hot sunny day when you need sun screen and lots of water to stay hydrated.
EDC Backpacks Can Provide Ballistic Protection
Yes, bulletproof backpacks! EDC backpacks can now provide ballistic protection.
Technological advancements in ballistic protection are now making it possible to add ballistic panels to your EDC backpacks without adding much weight or bulk to your EDC backpack.
If you don't want to be burdened by a ballistic vest all day long, you can now use your EDC backpack to provide you with ballistic protection.
EDC backpacks are now designed with slots that allow you to insert ballistic panels to provide you with ballistic protection.
In the U.S. alone violent crime rates have been skyrocketing in 2020 and 2021.
Read more about skyrocketing violent crime rates and why you should consider obtaining a CCW permit.
Having protection is now more important then ever as gun violence is one the primary causes of violent crimes.
Final Thoughts
So, EDC backpacks? Defiantly a good choice for many reasons: safety, security, survival, and much more.
Although, they may not be practical for every situation, carrying one on you whenever possible with all your essential contents without being burden by the weight or bulk is a must!
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