Recently I asked a couple of my friends, “why carry an EDC flashlight?” and I got to see why many EDC diehards don't think it's an essential EDC.
One of the primary reasons we don't see it as necessary is that we think we can rely fully on our phone's flashlights.
I admit that there were days that I had the same belief, but I am glad that changed, and an EDC flashlight is now one of my first tools to go in my EDC kit.
I figured, what if my phone's charge runs low when I least expect it, or what if I'm in a situation where I can't use my phone's light?
What happens then? The fact is that an EDC flashlight with quality batteries and high light output will get you ready for any situation requiring secondary lighting.
Phone flashlights will Typically have an output of 40-50 lumens, but an EDC flashlights will have an output of 1000s of lumens.
Click on this link to learn more about lumens...
There are other reasons why you should never leave your EDC Flashlight behind.
Below is a list of reasons why your EDC flashlight is an essential item in your EDC kit.
1. It is the Right Tool for Survival and Defense
A phone's flashlight can effectively carry out a lighting task, but it is not the right tool.
Think about this, you can open gift boxes with a dinner knife but wouldn't a box cutter do a better job? Perfect.
A dinner knife will cut the gift boxes pretty well, but a box cutter would do a better job.
That said, in the case of an EDC flashlight, you can be assured of more power from the tactical flashlight and a sturdier grip because of its construction.
This makes the EDC flashlight a better survival tool for lighting and self defense.
2. Handling a Roadside Emergency

Handling a car emergency by the road without enough lighting can both be dangerous and challenging, especially if we need to use a flashlight and call for assistance at the time.
However, if we have a flashlight, we can easily call for help and use the flashlight simultaneously.
So a flashlight is one of the very important tools one needs to sort out a roadside emergency.
3. Self-Defense

One of the primary reasons EDC flashlights exist is for self-defense.
Originally, they were designed as a tactical tool for military and law enforcement to use professionally, but they have become an important everyday tool for many that may not have access to firearms or they want to have a backup weapon in case their primary weapon cannot be accessed or is malfunctioning.
For instance, an EDC flashlight can help you identify a threat from distance and give you critical time to react to the threat.
It can help you blind and disorient your attacker giving you a chance to escape.
Lastly, EDC flashlights are made from military grade materials with built in bezels that can tear and puncture skin if used as weapon.
Click on the link to learn about what your EDC flashlight is made of...

Cellphones just simply cannot match the power of a good EDC flashlight.
Read more about how you can use an EDC flashlight for self-defense...
4. Responding to a Sudden Power Outage
You may find a flashlight extremely helpful if you live in places where power outages are random and sudden.
For instance, in the US, residents experienced lots of power outages, all thanks to the winter storm Uri in February 2021, and those who had access to a tactical flashlight or a Streamlight flashlight had an easier time.
A flashlight has a dedicated power duration, and most of them can work for a long.
However, your phone's flashlights may not continue to work for long, especially if you need your phone to communicate with others.
Sometimes a power outage may take longer than expected; if your phone's charge runs out, you can still use the EDC flashlight for a longer time, especially if it has a good AAA battery or rechargeable cr123A battery.
Sometimes the outages may be because of a minor wiring issue.
One can use their phone's flashlight, but we may also need to use the phone and a flashlight simultaneously.
This is where we know a flashlight can come in handy better than a phone's flashlight.
5. Lighting Areas Where Other Lighting Fixtures Cannot Reach
Some areas, such as under the sink or under the car seat, maybe inaccessible to other standard lighting fixtures, regardless of their brightness.
Imagine when you need to check for a possible leak under the sink; you might use a phone's flashlight effectively, but remember, this may subject your phone to water damage.
To be safe, have an EDC flashlight in hand and keep your phone for emergencies only.
6. Lighting a Poorly Lit Path

Walking in a poorly lit path with no light output is dangerous and scary.
An everyday carry light can help you increase the lighting in your path and still access the phone when needed.
I once found myself in such a situation, but I was lucky since I had my everyday flashlight to save the day.
So I just reached on to it, lit it, and started walking. I received an important call 5 minutes later, and I had to receive — yes, I did it so conveniently since I did not have to depend on my phone as a light source.
I can't imagine what would have happened if I didn't have my tactical light and had to use my phone. I would have been talking on the phone while blindly walking on the dark path.
Bottom Line
In an emergency, there's no time to buy, and we may need to act fast. A phone's flashlight may cause a delay when trying to put it on.
A dedicated EDC Flashlight is very easy to turn on; I just need to reach it in my bag and turn it on.
We never know what can happen that would need us to act fast. I can imagine a sudden power outage, and the next thing I hear is my door open.
Do I need to turn on a flashlight quickly, or do I need to fumble through my phone's screen and open the flashlight app?
As an EDC enthusiast, there is no reason why you should not have an EDC flashlight in your EDC backpack — it's essential, and the reasons can never be any better than the outlined above.
Invest in a quality everyday carry light — some even come with an LED bulb and waterproof surface.
Besides, EDC flashlights are not expensive, and most of them can perfectly fit in your EDC bag, keychain, or even your pocket if yours has a pocket clip.
Click on this link to learn about the most common mistakes made with EDC essentials..