We never know how necessary it is to carry an EDC flashlight in our backpacks or cars until we get caught up in a situation where light is needed.
Read more about why an EDC backpack is a must!!!
I find an everyday carry flashlight essential in our daily routine as it can be helpful in the dark and a powerful weapon in self-defense.
The EDC flashlight will only be beneficial if you carry it with you at all times, meaning you should get work in the size and style that fits your needs.
Too Many Choices?
Manufactures have saturated the market with EDC flashlights, some brighter than others, making it confusing for buyers.

The flashlights are powered by batteries or require charging. The existing flashlights that are battery charged have battery size options like AA, AAA, C, D, or 10280.
Understanding the letters may be easy, but the numbers may be challenging if you have never seen or come across such batteries.
2 Most Common Ways You Can Power Your Flashlight
Don't Focus on the Brand Name
Research has show that most similar type batteries will perform about the same regardless of the electronic used during testing.
Whether you use a cheaper battery options such as the AmazonBasic or the well known Enegizier, NYTimes WireCutter has reported that during their testing most similar type batteries performed about the same. Read more...
Rechargeable Batteries
Gone are days when you had to rely on alkaline batteries. I agree that alkaline batteries can be very convenient sometimes, especially when you don't have a source of power to charge your rechargeable batteries.
Checkout the best rechargeable flashlights police officers use!!!
But ultimately, rechargeable batteries have more advantages thanks to the manufacturer's efforts to create long-lasting and powerful cells.
If you didn't know about rechargeable batteries, they are an alternative method whereby an electrical power supply juices the flashlight.
Solar power is also an option in case there is no access to electrical power.
These types of flashlights will cost you a little more, but in the long run, they will save you some money.
Why You Should Always Carry an EDC Flashlight!!!
I have seen some rechargeable flashlights with a service life of up to 8 hours when fully charged and can throw a beam up to 1700 feet. This shows how powerful rechargeable battery packs can be.
Furthermore, the rechargeable battery technology for rechargeable batteries used in EDC flashlights has embraced convenience in how you charge the batteries.
You could be used to the rechargeable batteries that you have to remove from the flashlight to charge them separately. But, some can be charged while still attached to the flashlight.
Find out if its legal to carry a Tactical or EDC Flashlight on airplanes???
Here Are Some of the Rechargeable Battery Options:
Please note that the below listed batteries are also made in standard non-rechargeable form.
10180 Batteries
Example 10180 Battery

The 10180 is a standard battery format well known for its small size and rechargeable characteristics.
This type of battery comes in handy when you don’t need to use your flashlight constantly.
Despite their small size, they sure can put out a lot of light. However, 10180 has a capacity ranging between 70-100 mAh, limiting if you use your flashlight often.
In addition, their charges are hard to find, and they damage easily due to their high current.
AAA Batteries
Example AAA Battery

The AAA is a great battery option for your EDC flashlight. The battery option is readily available in the market in both alkaline and rechargeable power options.
They have a larger capacity carrying enough juice to power your flashlight; however, the AAA battery option has a low output, and it quickly maxed out.
AA Batteries
Example AA Battery

The AA batteries are similar to the AAA as they are available in alkaline and rechargeable forms.
The AA is the most common battery option worldwide, making them easy to acquire when the need arises.
They have a large carrying capacity but a low power output, which can depend on your preference of power output.
CR123a Batteries
CR123a Battery Example

The CR123a battery option is ideal for your EDC flashlight as it is reliable and readily available in the market.
In addition, it also has a longer shelf-life and a high power output. The CR123a has a perfect balance between size and power output.
Their small size makes them portable and still delivers quality illumination from your flashlight.
18350 Batteries
18350 Battery Example

The 18350 battery option is popular among custom EDC flashlights. Its popularity links to the large carrying capacity and insane illumination.
They are available in rechargeable forms and slightly larger in diameter and longer than CR123a.
The carrying capacity of the 18350 battery is about 1200mAh; however, they do have a set back which is finding a good quality and reliable battery in the market.
18650 Batteries
18650 Battery Example

The 18650 has a relation to the 18350 as it has a large carrying capacity and a high illumination output.
It is also a familiar brand in the market and popular among manufacturers.
The downside to the 18650 is its large size making the format an inconvenience to some individuals.
However, I find the 18650 is an ideal flashlight to carry when going camping or for a particular job as it won’t disappoint.
Final Thoughts
I find rechargeable batteries a great option despite their higher cost because, with reasonable care and proper use, you end up saving more money compared to buying portable batteries regularly.
And don't focus on the brand name. Most similar type batteries will perform about the same
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