Do Cops Know if You Have a Concealed Carry Permit

For most people, Police encounters can be frightening, nerve-wracking and altogether anxiety-inducing, especially if you're conceal carrying a firearm.  

Do police officers know if you have a CCW permit

Although, if you possess a valid concealed carry permit and follow the law accordingly, you really have nothing to worry about.  But, do cops know if you have a concealed carry permit?  

For most people of us with concealed carry permits, encounters with law enforcement are still an unpleasant experience pleasant experience so lets take in-depth look from a Police officers perspective.  

Always follow your state and local laws regarding possession firearms.    

Do Police Officers Know if You Have a Concealed Carry Permit?

Simple answer is no!  But, they can easily find out if you do by accessing the Law Enforcement Data Base. 

Law enforcement data base

To access the law enforcement data base and find out if you have a concealed carry permit, a Police Officer would first need to obtain your personal information such as a your name, date of birth, and or driver's license number. 

Using your personal information, they would access the law enforcement data base, which would contain concealed carry permit information among other things. 

Police Officers Do Not Have Bionic Vision

At least for now, Police officers do not have robocop vision so they can't simply scan your face and instantly know everything about you. 

They need to first obtain your personal information.   

How Do Police Obtain Your Personal Information

Police don't just go around asking random people for their personal information.  

Although, Police can ask anyone for their personal information, typically, you're only required by law to provide them with your personal information if you're a witness to a crime or you're suspect of committing a crime.

Running Plates

In most states, Police officers can run your plates without any reason. This is considered the plain view exception.  

When they run your plate, this would automatically access the law enforcement data base and provide them with your concealed carry permit information.  

Police Vs Concealed Carry Permits

I've been a Police Officer for many years and I have encountered many people with concealed carry permits. 

I have never had an issue with lawful possession of a firearm whether it's open or concealed carry.  

I highly respect and praise those who choose to exercise their Constitutional right to bear arms as long as it's done lawfully.  

Police Vs concealed carry permits

However, you must consider that from a Police Officers perspective, any encounter with firearm lawful or unlawful can be nerve-wracking, since we don't really know that persons intention.  

If you do have an encounter with Police Officers when conceal carrying a gun keep both hands away from the gun and clearly visible.

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