In this guide, we'll give you all the knowledge that you need about EDC Flashlights before you buy.
Because a wide selection of flashlights are advertised as daily carry flashlights these days, you may be asking what distinguishes a good EDC flashlight from a terrible one.
Don't worry, we've put together a handy guide on everyday carry flashlights to assist you!

Despite the fact that everyone's tastes differ, the best everyday carry flashlights have a few features in common.
To help you navigate the jungle of options, we've put together a list of 5 things to look for in a good EDC flashlight.
It's important buy a flashlight for it's intended purpose. EDC flashlights really have just one similarity and that's to provide light, but other than that they can very greatly.

This is why it's important to know what an EDC flashlight is designed for so that you're not spending loads of money for features that you're never going to use.
Common Features to Look for:
Size of an EDC flashlight can make huge difference in performance as well as ergonomics.
5 Best Pocket Friendly Flashlights for EDC

The power and distance of a light source is largely determined by its size, with larger flashlights typically outperforming smaller ones in luminosity and longevity.
Although this is not always the case, larger flashlights can hold a larger power sources therefore giving you higher performing flashlight.
There are also minimalistic size flashlights that designed for keychains and lanyards.
You want an EDC flashlight that fits comfortably in your palm of your hand and has conveniently accessible buttons.
Having good control of your flashlight is important for tactical reasons.
Are Tactical Flashlights Legal to Carry?
Tactical flashlights are designed for self defense and can be used for striking. To strike effectively, one must have a good grip on the weapon.

It shouldn't slip out of your hand because it's too small or too big. It should have finger groves and good texturing for a secure grip.
Power Control Optios:
Having a simple user interface and controls make using your EDC flashlight much more enjoyable and effective.
Carry Method
Most EDC flashlights will be designed with a pocket clip for pocket carry, but you won't always want to carry your EDC flashlight in your pocket.

There are belt holsters and lanyards, that allow you to carry your EDC flashlight practically anywhere on your person while still keeping it accessible.
5 Most Common EDC Flashlight Carry Methods:
Power Sources
For obvious reason, this is the most important item on our list to consider when buying an EDC flashlight.
Choose a power source that's affordable and works for you. Overtime power source can be the priciest part of your EDC flashlight.

You must consider where you are when you're using a flashlight.
If you're outdoors, you may not have access to power source that is required to recharge your batteries, therefore disposable non-rechargeable batteries are a good option.
If you're new to flashlights, simple AA or AAA batteries are a good way to power an EDC flashlight.
But, buying batteries over and over again can get pricy. Another option is to buy an EDC flashlight with a rechargeable battery.
Rechargeable EDC flashlights may cost more upfront, but they can save you money long-term.
Methods Used to Recharge Flashlights:
Consider that rechargeable batteries require a continuous power sources.
If outdoors you might want to consider disposable batteries. Most methods listed below require a continuous power source.
Power Output
EDC flashlights will vary greatly in power output. Lumens are the most common way to measure your flashlight's output.

Lumens can range from 1 to 1000s, but it's also important to consider Candela and Lux.
EDC Flashlights: How to Best Utilize Candela
Candela and Lux measure other aspects of a light beam that are important to consider when choosing the right power output.
Design of your flashlight can also effect the power output. Does you cone focus the light beam or does it spread it.

This can have an effect on the distance reached by the light beam.

Power Output Considerations:
Final Thoughts
In conclusion, it's really important to consider many factors when buying an EDC flashlight.
Not every flashlight is made equal. So you must consider what you're using the flashlight for?
If you intend to use a flashlight for self defense than you're going to need one that's built tough with a strong bezel for striking.
It will need to have a bright light beam so that you can disorient and blind a potential attacker.
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Figure out the purpose and than you'll be able to figure out the features you need so that you can find the right EDC flashlight for you.
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