Want to start an augment? Tell someone what you think is the best every day carry handgun.
Want to settle the argument? Show you friend how fast and how well you can draw your EDC gun from a variety of positions.
In other words, how accessible is your EDC gun?
Make this clear, if you cannot get to your EDC in a hurry, then it is a liability. If you cannot pull your EDC gun from a variety of carry positions, then you'll become an easy target for your enemy.
Case Study
The Texas Church shooting is a great example. Note the shooter shot two people; the second person he shot was going for a gun.
Watch the video posted by Miami Herold showing Video live-streamed from the West Freeway Church of Christ shows church security take down a man who opened fire during service.
Police say three people were killed in the shooting, including the gunman. Warning: Graphic Content!
Click on this link to watch the video.
The other security team member fired at 15-20 yards and ended the threat. Obviously, that member of the security team spent a lot of range time too.
Watch how they went for their guns. The second man who was shot was trying to get is gun from looks to be a carry position in the small of his back.
He had to reach to his back, under his tucked-in shirt and push his blazer out of the way.
The man who stopped the attacker, and was already standing, drew from his hip. He pushed aside his blazer and drew. Drawing your gun quickly matters! Practice, practice, practice!

How Fast Can You Draw Your Gun?
How fast can you get to your EDC gun? Can you get to it while sitting down? Can you get to it if you are laying down?
Work on your draw, just like you practice at the range. Fortunately, this practice is easy. You can unload your EDC gun and practice safely in your house. Again, do it safely!!!

Sit at a table in a straight-back chair and draw. Sit in a recliner and draw. Walk around and draw. Sit in your car and draw.
Get in your vehicle. Draw your EDC gun. Repetition will build muscle memory. Sit behind a desk and draw.
Something you probably don't think about until you hear the "CLUNK" of your gun hitting the floor is being in the bathroom.
It sounds ludicrous until you think about it. That is when you are at your most vulnerable.
You need to lay down on the floor and work on your draw.
If you cannot draw your gun and reliably shoot your EDC from these positions, then you must reconsider your EDC and your holster to find a gun, carry location and holster where you can draw it from a variety of positions.
Picking the Right EDC Gun and Holster!
What makes a good EDC for maximum access? Compact and small frame guns are ideal. Some people say you need as much ammo as the gun will hold.

The problem is when you get into long mags and double-stack mags, then you have more bulk in the gun. A bulky gun is harder to pull out of a pocket or from a pinched position on your hip.
If you opt for a wheel gun, get a shrouded hammer or a hammerless double-action. An exposed hammer will get in the way if you are in a cramped position and trying to draw.
Lack of preparedness will leave you vulnerable and mistakes will happen during stressful situations. It happens to the professionals, it will happen to ordinary civilians.
Ammoman also has some great suggested guns. Click on the link!.
Ammoman also notes you need to find the gun that fits you and your style. In other words, find a gun you are comfortable shooting, that you can easily carry and that delivers the accuracy you need.
Striker-fired vs Hammer-fired gun which is better for concealed carry!
Bottom line is that picking the right EDC gun and holster can be the difference between life and death as you may only have seconds to react to a threat.
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