In this guide, we'll show you the difference between LED and Bulb EDC flashlights.
The truth is that the days of the traditional light bulbs are largely gone.
The traditional bulb has mostly been replaced by the LED (light emitting diode,) but why?
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Let's take an in-depth look at the science and history behind the traditional bulb and the LED found in typical EDC flashlights.
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Traditional Bulb EDC Flashlights
The most common type of flashlight is an incandescent flashlight, which has been around since it's introduction in the early 19th century.

Many individuals choose this device since it's budget friendly. Many incandescent bulb flashlights, unfortunately, break easily due to it's fragile design.

Incandescent bulbs are much more inefficient compared to other types of electric lighting, converting less than 5% of the energy they consume.

LED (Light Emitting Diode) Flashlights
In comparison to incandescent light bulbs, LEDs are almost 70 to 75 percent more efficient.
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The LED is a semiconductor that produces light when a current is sent through it.

The emitter is significantly more robust than a regular light bulb since it does not have a sensitive filament floating inside.
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LEDs are brighter than incandescent bulb using the same amount of power because they are more efficient.
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While LED flashlights are more energy efficient than standard bulbs, they can still emit a lot of heat.
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Modern flashlights use LEDs, which are brighter, more durable, and more efficient than incandescent bulbs, resulting in longer battery life.

Bottom line is that LEDs are more efficient, brighter, and have longer lasting battery light.
LED vs Incandescent Bulb
Traditional bulb lights have a lower brightness output, only about 1000 lumens max, which creates lot of heat. LEDs pretty much have no limit.
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In fact, there is flashlights on the market that produce 10,000s of lumens.
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The color temperature of LED vs bulb is also a major difference. The LED tend to produce cooler whiter light that's more visible with brighter output.

The color temperature of the LED lights is between 4000K and 8000K, and the brightness can reach above 4,000 lumens. Kelvin scale is used to measure white light heat.
White Light Kelvin Scale

According to studies, the optimal color temperature is between 5000K and 6000K.
LEDs have a longer life time than it's halogen partner. Halogen lights have a maximum lifespan of 500 hours, however LED lights have a lifetime of 50,000 hours, which is 100 times longer than halogen lights.
LEDs are up to 75% more efficient than incandescent light bulbs. They last longer and provide brighter light by using more of it's battery life rather than loosing it in form of heat.
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LEDs also produce more cooler light light, which produces more brightness than the bulb's warmer white light.
Final Thoughts
A light-emitting diode (LED) is becoming increasingly popular today for a variety of reasons.

For starters, it does not generate heat and is long-lasting. Aside from that, LED lights are tough and can withstand a lot of abuse.
LEDs produce light that is brighter and whiter. They can produce less heat and are much more efficient.
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As a result of its durability, brighteness, and efficiency of the LED flashlight is ideal for everyday use for exciting expeditions or daily casual EDC.
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