Police flashlights contain features that are not always common on every flashlight and are designed to be ideal for police.
Flashlight Features Found on Police Flashlights
Body Material: Aluminum is tough, long lasting and reliable material. Most of Aluminum Flashlights are water resistant, impact resistant which in turn makes more reliable. They can be used to break windows or strike suspects during a self-defense situation.
Strobe Light: A light mode that produces continuous flashes of light that can blind or disorient a suspect, but most of all it can help police officers see in the dark.
Bezel: A rugged sharp grooved ring on police flashlights. It's sharp jagged edges can puncture skin and can be used to break windows or self defense.
Lumens/Beam Distance: Usually measured in lumens a light emitting amount. The high lumens output that police flashlight has the more brightness to lite a dark area. Beam Distance or candela is high in police flashlights to see further down the range.
Size/Weight: Compact size flashlight is preferred since police officers carry lot of gear that can get pretty heavy.
Charging Options: Can flashlight be recharged or does it require replacement or purchase of batteries.
Runtime: How long does flashlight power last before it has to be recharged or needs replacement batteries.
Belt Clip: Can you hands free carry it.
Light Modes: These can make EDC flashlight more efficient and extend runtime. Also certain light setting can benefit specific situations.

Strobe Light

How Bright and How Far Is It Visible

How Police Use Flashlights On Duty
Lumens/Beam Distance: At night in dark areas Lumen and Beam Distance can help police see better and farther, quickly react and efficiently find suspect.
Bezel: Police officers use bezel in self defense or as striking tool to subdue suspect or attacker. It can puncture skin and break bones. Also bezel could be used to break car windows or glass in order to apprehend or save subjects.
Strobe Light: If suspect becomes aggressive or poses threat, a strobe light flashes can temporarily stun or blind person which can be advantageous in handling of suspect. Police officers can also use strobe light to signal other police officers of their location.
Regular Light Mode: The brighter it more blinds, pointing light at suspect eyes can temporarily blind so that suspect is not fully aware of officers location which could give them more time to react and be safer.
Flashlight Body Material: It resembles baton its strong and can be used to strike attacker, uncontrollable suspect or in self defense. It can also be used to break window to save or apprehend subjects.
Size/Weight: Officers carry many other items that add up to over 30 pounds. The lesser size and weight of flashlight the more comfortable it could be carried and easily stored.
Runtime: Officers need reliable flashlights that run long periods of time. Minimum of 20 plus hours of runtime would be reliable to duties of police officers.
Flashlight Clip: Many Officers have uniforms of vests that contain many pockets where flashlight can be attached. Also every police officer has duty belts or holsters where flashlight can be attached using a clip.
Charging Options: Most Officers prefer rechargeable flashlights, it more convenient and less expensive. At the end of shift many police station have charging docks where flashlights can be recharged. Also Officers can recharge their flashlight at their own home. Some flashlight may even contain DC Cable for Charging in Police Cruisers.
Light Modes: If flashlight has a low battery, officers can switch from high light output to low or medium to conserve runtime. Strobe light mode can be used in emergency or for signaling.

Strobe Light Can Blind Or Stun Attacker or Suspect

Lumens And Beam Distance Help Police Officers Find Suspect Easily At Night

Bezel Can Break Car Windows or Be Used In Self Defense

Belt Clip For Easy Carrying Of EDC Flashlights. Size And Weight Of EDC Flashlight Are Important In Comfort Of Carrying

Charging Is More Efficient, Convenient And Less Expensive

Runtime And Light Modes Play Big Role In EDC Flashlight Efficiency
For conclusion; EDC Flashlight are essential to law enforcement, and can help police prepare, react, control, see better and easily find suspects in dark.
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